Saturday, March 26, 2011

Video of test - Placed Wax Audio on DVD

Since Facebook gets on my last nerve I rather post here. But I post there.

[Tested DVD Structure :: Mashed in Plastic: The David Lynch Mash-Up Album
]Note: Find the structure error. Easy one.

[Why this video? Sounds like where I am - at this moment.

[Now if I go on a Twin Peaks binge it is not my fault.
] Facebook knocks the quality down a notch. The proper HQ version is in my FB/video area. (f_in FB; only replay button allowed!).

Honestly I don't have time for watching TP. Really.

Edit: correct spelling on label (tag)


Bruce Sallan said...

Not a David Lynch fan though I can appreciate his story and film making skills. I like "happier" - call me an optimist. But, love the PJ Harvey song - "Shhhhhh" - what a great mood that video and she creates! No wonder you felt it!

fairuse said...

Thanks for stopping by. David Lynch is an acquired taste. Some of his film work is a bit much. What is happening in this post is more about students of his work, what they did, i.e., Wax Audio.

PJ Harvey has a way talking to and performing thru the camera that makes the song work.