Undocking plus 3 hours
Landing minus 23 minutes
Soyuz reaches Entry Interface -- 400,000 feet in altitude -- 31 minutes after the deorbit burn.
Landing minus 23 minutes
Soyuz reaches Entry Interface -- 400,000 feet in altitude -- 31 minutes after the deorbit burn.
Undocking plus 3 hours, 8 minutes
Landing minus 15 minutes
Parachutes are commanded to deploy. Two Pilot Parachutes are deployed, the second of which extracts the Drogue Chute. The Drogue slows the spacecraft's descent from a rate of 755 feet per second to 262 feet per second.
Landing minus 15 minutes
Parachutes are commanded to deploy. Two Pilot Parachutes are deployed, the second of which extracts the Drogue Chute. The Drogue slows the spacecraft's descent from a rate of 755 feet per second to 262 feet per second.
More photos and articles about Soyuz TMA spacecraft are on NASA's Soyuz Pages.
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