This is not a book review in the traditional sense. Most folks expect a stuffy analysis of the story with either a condescending don't read or a flat toned recommend one should read it now, or even yesterday.
Warning, Alert, Pay Attention to this note: The first audio is full of spoken URLs that have been mercifully moved to the end. A 2 second silence zone if you wish to stop audio before URL speak. There is one URL at the beginning and it is the book URL at the publishers site.
[ The Review Audio ]
[ Preview of Year Zero from audio version. About 3.5 minutes from middle of book. I think it is a better taste than just the 1st chapter. ]
[ Text -- just plain text ]
Date: August 15, 2012 02:40 EDT [06:40Z]
Subject: Making a not book review book review
Book: Year Zero
Author: Rob Reid
Publisher: Random House
I like this book. I am listening to the audio version downloaded from Audible (an Amazon property now). I recommend the book to anyone who can laugh or at least be entertained by crazy aliens trying undo the mind blowing situation of music piracy.
This paragraph did have a bunch of spoilers. Having a second thought about that I zapped the spoilers and inserted the links to sample pages. I reckon that is more useful and even neighborly.
Excerpt From Rob Reid's Year Zero; Plus A Chance To Win The Book
Join Us Thursday For A Conversation With Rob Reid, Author Of Year Zero; Plus August's Book Of The Month
Live Video Chat With Rob Reid, Author Of 'Year Zero' About Aliens & Copyright
Publisher audio sample
Audible listing
Note on Audible price: The suggested retail price is $28 marked down to $19.60 which is 40 cents less than the $20 listed on publisher's site. Agency price you think?
I did not know the book existed until I watched the file copy video in this post. I took the time to look up the publisher. Based on the one audio clip the publisher made downloadable (mp3) I went to my Audible account and bought it. Got to give the publisher a thumbs up for making; hardbound , e-book & audiobook. Not commenting on the price point each has except that it is borderline too high on audio version.
[----- Reference Material -----]
Text of my comment in the post linked below.
August 14, 2012 23:14:00 EDT [August 15, 2012 03:14Z]
Live Video Chat With Rob Reid, Author Of 'Year Zero' About Aliens & Copyright [by Mike Masnick Aug 9th 2012 12:00pm]
I am biting on the AC's troll because I think -- even if one person is influenced to give the book a try then the time spent doing the live meet and the post processing needed to make the interview available to everyone, except for locations where government meddles and blocks it, is not a flop.
I did not know the book existed until I watched the file copy video in this post. I took the time to look up the publisher. Based on the one audio clip the publisher made downloadable (mp3) I went to my Audible account and bought it. Got to give the publisher a thumbs up for making; hardbound , e-book & audiobook. Not commenting on the price point each has except that it is borderline too high on audio version.
So, by my measurement system the video interview is successful.
note: This comment will be included in my book review to be posted in my journal.